Saturday, August 27, 2011

QSP Practice Problems Part X

Practice Questions


Name some of the reports required by the CGP.

Routine Site Inspections, Storm Event Inspections, Exceedence Reports,
REAPs, Quarterly reports, Annual Reports

Who should identify the visual monitoring locations for the CSMP and M&RP?


What three places should be considered for monitoring locations?

Where activity occurs, where run-on enters the site, where discharge leaves the site

Where in the water flow is best for sampling?
In the main flow away from a bank/turn.

Turbidity is measured in what units?


What does NTU stand for?

Nephelometric Turbidity Units

Where in the permit can you find the Sampling Test Method Table?

Attachment E

What units is SSC (Suspended Sediment Concentration) measured in?

Milligrams of dry sediment per liter of sample

What units is SSC (Suspended Sediment Concentration) measured in?

Milligrams of dry sediment per liter of sample

What is TSS?
Total Suspended Solids

What does TSS measure?

TSS measures the dry weight of sediment from a known volume of sample.

What is the difference between TSS and SSC?

SSC used the full volume of the sample and doesn't really account for smaller particulates.

If you are a Risk Level 1 project and have a fuel spill, are you obligated to collect samples for lab analysis?

Yes, you may be in violation of your permit.

If you are a Risk Level 1 project and have a fuel spill, are you obligated to collect samples for lab analysis?

Yes, you may be in violation of your permit.

T or F: Discharge samples should be taken upstream and downstream of receiving waters.


At what depth belwo the water surface must you immerse your sample container?

0.1 m (4 inches)

Samples should be taken upstream or downstream of the a bridge?


Why should containers with preservatives should not be used as dip contrainers.

Perservatives in the containers will be washed away when immersed in water.
How long do you have to sumbit samplings results to the State Water Board if you are not in volation?

5 days

Where can the QSP get a copy of the forecast?

National Weather Service

Where can the QSP get a copy of the forecast?

National Weather Service

Who must certify Exceedance Reports?

LRPs or AS

Who is an AS?

Approved Signatory - Another employee designated to certify documents on behalf of the LRP.

When you exceed an NEL, how soon must the Violation report be submitted to the State Board?

24 hours

What happens when you exceed your NEL but the storm event is equal or great than a 5-year, 24-hour event?

You may qualify for a Compliance Storm Excemption.

What happens when you exceed your NEL but the storm event is equal or great than a 5-year, 24-hour event?

You may qualify for a Compliance Storm Excemption.

How often do quarterly reports need to be submitted?


What should you document on quarterly reports?

Presenses of non-stormwater discharge, and Pollutant characteristics (color, odor, floating, suspended)

When is the annual report due each year?

September 1st

From what dates does your annual report start and end?

July 1st of the previous year to June 30 of the present year.

How does one become an Approved Signatory?

A copy of a written agreement from the authority of the LRP should be kept in the SWPPP.

From what dates does your annual report start and end?

July 1st of the previous year to June 30 of the present year.

How does one become a Data Submitter?

He needs to be assigned by the Project's LRP or AS

If your project's total disturbed area has increased or decreased, how long do you have to resubmit your PRDs (Permit Required Document)?

30 days


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