QSP Practice Problems Part III
Practice Questions
Answers: Does does the Soil Erodibilty of K = 0.65 mean?
High Erodibility
Does does the Soil Erodibilty of K = 0.05 mean?
Low change of erosion
What does RUSLE stand for?
Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation
How is the RUSLE used?
Helps predict how much erosion may occur.
What is the RUSLE equation?
A = (R)(K)(LS)
What units is "A" measured in for the RUSLE equation?
A = Project Sediment Load (tons/acre)
How do you determine risk level from the RUSLE equation?
Use appendix 1
What two factors determine your permit risk levels?
Sediment potential and receiving water status
What three things qualifies you for a Rainfall Erosivity Waiver?
RUSLE R-factor < 5
1 to 5 acre sites
Construction is during dry periods
When would you use the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation?
To predict sediment for a storm event (in tons)
T or F: Sediment and erosion are the same
False. Sediment and Erosion are not interchangeable terms.
What is Sediment Yield?
Eroded material that has settled at a point of interest.
What is the Wind Erosion equation?
E=f(I * K * C * L * V)
In what units is E measured in the Wind Erosion equation?
E=potential avg annual soil loss in tons per acres
In what units is E measured in the Wind Erosion equation?
E=potential avg annual soil loss in tons per acres
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