QSP Practice Problems Part IX
Practice Questions
What is the difference between NAL and NEL?
NALs are limits when you need to improve your BMPs but are not in violation.
NELs are limits when you are in violation of your permit.
T or F: A REAP needs to be prepared by a QSP.
Do REAPS need to be prepared for Risk Level 1 projects?
What must the forecast say to trigger the REAP reporting requirement?
50% or more probabilty of precipitation.
Where can you find the official weather forecast online?
What Site Information should be in the REAP?
Site address, Risk Level, SWPPP manager, Erosion Control Provider, Sampling Agent information.
REAP documentation should be retained for how upon completing construction?
3 years
What will water sampling prove?
Sampling shows you are in compliance with NALs and NELs
T or F: You are excused from water sampling during dangerous weather conditions.
True. But you have to document this condition in the REAP and Annual Report
During a qualifying rain event, how many samples should you take?
3 samples per day of discharge
T or F: You are required to sampling for non-visibile pollutants in Risk Level 1 CSMP.
T or F: You are required to sampling for non-visibile pollutants in Type 1 M&RP.
What is CSMP?
Construction Site Monitoring Program (not for LUP sites)
What is M&RP?
Monitoring and Reporting Program (for LUP sites)
Are non-visible pollutant sampling required for all LUPs and Traditional projects?
Yes if you have discharge from the site.
How fresh must the non-visible sample be when it is collected by the lab?
2 hours max.
Where do you sample for non-visible pollutants when there is a BMP failure?
One sample where the BMP if affected by the failure, and one sample in an area no affected by the failure.
T or F: Non-storm water discharge monitoring is required for LUP projects.
False. Non-stormwater discharge monitoring is required only for Risk 2 and 3 Traditional projects.
Where are the sampling locations for non-storm reports?
All non-storm water effluent discharge points.
Where you look in the permit regarding non-stormwater monitoring?
Attachments D & E
Effluent Sampling should be tested for what two things?
Turbidity and pH
Is turbidity always visible to the naked eye?
Apart from qualifying rain events, when do you also need to test pH levels?
When pH altering materials are used in utility construction or vertical construction phases.
For a Risk/Type 3 project what is the NAL?
250 NTUs with pH 6.5 to 8.5
For a Risk/Type 3 project what is the NEL?
500 NTUs with pH 6 to 9
What does NAL stand for?
Numeric Action Limit
What does NEL stand for?
Numeric Effluent Limit
Do NELs apply to run-on waters coming on to the site?
No in cases where there are forest fires or natural disasters
When are Benthic Macroinvertebrate Bioassessments required?
Risk Level 3 sites with 30 acres or more.
Where can you find the definition of Direct Discharge in the permit?
Appendix 5 - CGP glossary
T or F: Discharging directly into an approved MS4 is considered a Direct Discharge
False. You are commingling with other discharges, not directly into bodies of water.
What is SSC?
Suspended Sediment Concentration - a lab analysis that provides an actual concentration of particulates in a sample
When is Effluent Sampling for SSC required?
When you are in violation of the NEL for turbidity
What's the difference between run-on and receiving water?
Run-on is water entering the construction site. Receiving water is water leaving the site into a body of water.
When a Macroinvertabrate Bioassessment is required, when are the samples taken?
Before and after construction
Is a Macroinvertabrate Bioassessment is performed during construction?
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