Ever heard of Ferroresonance?
What is Ferroresonance?
Ferroresonance is a dangerous phenomnon that occurs in 15kV systems to 35kV. From what I have read, this phenomenon occurs when the system was initially charged, but part of the system is disconnected and is isolated from ground with a light load resistance.
In some sense it maintains an charge, but this charge is oscillating at a high duty cycle.
Problems of Ferroresonance?
Since ferreoresonance is an unstable high voltage system (Overvoltage), it should be avoided. Possible effects:
- Damage to Generators
- Surge Arrestor failures
- Arc flashes, especially during the removal of fuses in a 3 phase system
Potential Conditions that cause Ferroresonance in Systems:
- Light Load Resistance
- Isolated/ungrounded branch in circuit
- Parallel 3-Phase connections
- Delta transformers that are not grounded
How to Prevent Ferroresonance?
- Higher load resistance to dampen the effects of Ferroresonance
- Provide grounding in systems
- Use switch gear instead of fuses at the power distribution pole
Cadick Corp - Technical Bulletin
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